Funeral Planning

To assist you in planning the funeral for your loved one, we have provided the following documents. If you need further assistance, contact the parish priest or the director of sacred music and liturgy.
You will need to complete two online forms: Music Selection Form and Liturgy Planning Form. These should be completed 48 hours before the funeral. See below for more information.
Music Selection
Step One: Download this Music Selection Worksheet. This contains common songs and links to YouTube recordings.
Step Two: Complete the online Music Selection Form or email your selections to our director of sacred music and liturgy.
Liturgy planning
Step One: Consider the following and share the following information with parish staff using the online Liturgy Planning Form.
- Readings: Download the list of funeral readings. Choose one reading from each category: First Reading (FR-#), Second Reading (SR-#), and Gospel (G-#). The intercessions can be found here.
- Involvement of Family and Friends: Following are [optional] ways you can have loved ones participate in the funeral liturgy. Placing of Christian Symbols (crucifix and bible), placing of pall, and bringing up the gifts of bread and wine. You can also have people serve as a reader of the First Reading, Second Reading, Intercessions. It is highly recommended that those chosen to be a reader at the funeral liturgy are trained lectors in their parishes. If you think a reader will be too emotional to get through the entire reading without crying, it is better to choose someone who can proclaim the full reading with dignity.
- Words of Remembrance: A member or a friend of the family may speak in remembrance of the deceased. This may occur before the Mass begins or following communion. These words should be prepared, written out, and brief (less than five minutes). The family is encouraged to share longer stories at the Funeral Vigil or at a gathering following the Mass.