Liturgical Ministries
Part of our mission is to create a space where all are welcome and to greet everyone with warmth and kindness. Saint Mary of the Lake is a place where we not only share our faith, but we embrace a vision of hope and love for our community! To learn more or get involved with our ministry click the (+) next to each ministry.
Altar Servers
Please contact the parish office via email or phone for more information on becoming an Altar Server.
Welcome Ministry
Welcome Ministry are hosts who put a face onto the parish by being the first person to greet all who enter Saint Mary of the Lake Church. Some who enter the church may be at home, others may be visiting. It is your goal to give them a warm welcome to the worship space. Please contact the parish office via email or phone for more information.
Music Ministry
Music ministry at Saint Mary of the Lake is vibrant and prayerful, providing the people of our community with joyful and prayerful experience. At the core of our music program are dedicated musicians, singers, and instrumentalists alike. Music Ministry at Saint Mary of Lake provides a unique opportunity to build community through the power of song.
Explore our music ministry opportunities below.
- 10:30am Choir – is held every Sunday at the 10:30am mass. All are welcome to join! Any person, any ability is welcome! No experience necessary. This group meets at 9:30am before mass for rehearsal. The group is comprised of university students, parishioners, and parish staff praying contemporary and traditional style of music accompanied by various instruments.
- Cantors and Instrumentalists – Saint Mary of the Lake welcomes those who would like to use their musical talents to lead liturgies and song. If you have experience cantoring or playing an instrument, please reach out to our Music Director for information on how to join our roster.
- Concerts – Check out the parish events tab for information on upcoming concerts at Saint Mary of the Lake. Recent concerts include, The Marion Consort, Wicker Park Singers, the Chicago Chamber Choir and many more.
For more information, or to get involved please contact Michael Ruzicki, Director of Sacred Music and Liturgy
Organ stop list and information can be found by clicking here.
Religious Education & RCIA
Our mission is to help you as parents/guardians to nurture and foster growth in the Catholic faith of you and your children. This is accomplished with help from Catechists/volunteers of our Parish who give of their time and talents.
- Sacramental Preparation for Children – is the process of welcoming all young people to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Please reach out to Sr. Claudia Sanchez.
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) – is for those who have not been baptized; have been baptized in another Christian tradition; or have not had sacramental preparation. Please reach out to Marc Vega.
Ministry Contacts
Liturgical Ministries
- Altar Servers
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Lectors
- Livestream Ministry
- Music Ministry/Choir
- Ministers of Care to the Sick
- Sacristans
- Welcome Ministry (Greeters/Ushers)
Formation & Community
- Adult Confirmation
- Bible Study
- Children’s Religious Education
- Navigating Divorce
- RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
- Young Adult Ministry
Service & Outreach
- Laundry Ministry
- Wednesday Soup Kitchen & Sack Meals
- Sant’Egidio Community
Leadership Councils
- Parish Pastoral Council
- Parish Finance Council
- Endowment Committee
- Oversight Committee